How To File a Complaint
General Information
If you have a complaint against a California business, you may file it with the Division of Measurement Standards or the local weights and measures office in the county where the business is located. Contact the county directly.
Service Station Air and Water Complaints
It is important to note, before filing a complaint, that in order to be entitled to free air and water at a California service station you must have first purchased fuel at the location. Without a fuel purchase there is no legal requirement that air and water be provided by the station.
Examples of valid complaints:
- After purchasing fuel, you were charged for air and water
- Air and water equipment was available but inoperative at the station
- No air and water equipment was available at the station
Please complete the Air and Water Complaint Form and submit.
Other Complaints
You may file a complaint against a business with the county weights and measures office. If you do not know the county or prefer the Division of Measurement Standards handle the matter, please complete the Weights and Measures Complaint form, send it to us and we will ensure your complaint is given the highest priority.
Printing of the Weights and Measures Complaint form (pdf) requires the Adobe Acrobat Reader™. To download your free copy of the Acrobat Reader, visit Adobe Products and follow the instructions. Please note: This form can be filled out online and printed. Point your mouse to the box you wish to enter information. The tab key can be used to jump from box to box. For those boxes needing a checkmark, position the mouse in the box and click your mouse button. A checkmark will be entered for you. When you are finished entering information into the form, it's ready to be printed and mailed.