Division Of Measurement Standards: Device Enforcement Program
The Device Enforcement Program is responsible for reducing measurement error in commercial transactions through the regular inspection and testing of commercial weighing and measuring devices, e.g., supermarket checkout systems, retail motor fuel dispensers, taxicabs, utility sub-meters, and large capacity truck scales. The Program provides training, support, and coordination with local officials and businesses to properly apply the specifications, tolerances and use requirements for the various commercial devices placed in service in the California marketplace.
Look for a round approval seal on all commercial devices that shows when the device was last inspected.
Device Registration Information: County Weights and Measures offices throughout California register, inspect, and test commercial weighing and measuring devices. To find the county weights and measures office where your business is located, please see County Commissioner/Sealer Contacts.
Legal for Trade Devices (CTEP or NTEP requirements): Commercially used scales and meters must be legal for trade. A legal for trade device must generally have a Certificate of Approval issued by the California Type Evaluation Program (CTEP) or a Certificate of Conformance issued by the National Type Evaluation Program (NTEP). Most registered service agencies (RSA) will be knowledgeable about legal for trade requirements. Buyers of these devices should also be aware of counterfeit CTEP and NTEP equipment. Regarding scales, the following link through the National Council on Weights and Measures (NCWM) may be helpful that has a PDF entitled, Buying Commercial Scales on the Internet:https://www.ncwm.com/consumer-info.
More Resources
List of NTEP Class I & II Scales (February 2019)
Chapter 3: Device Inspection.