Laws & Regulations
Inspection Services Division

Feed, Fertilizer, and Livestock Drugs Regulatory Services

Commercial Feed Regulatory Program

Administrative Penalties

The proposed amendments to the California Code of Regulations will add clarity to the regulated industry by clarifying terminology in the regulations, responsibilities of compliance and subsequent consequences related to reporting tonnage type, taxes, payments, licensure, subsampling, and violations, severity of types of violations, and fees associated with those violations.

CA Code of Regulations
Title 3. Food and Agriculture
Division 4. Plant Industry
Chapter 2. Field Crops
Subchapter 2. Commercial Feed

FSMA Incorporation

The proposed amendments to the California Code of Regulations will incorporate provisions of the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) from the Code of Federal Regulations, as well as requiring batch or production run identification to be added to formula feed labels.

CA Code of Regulations
Title 3. Food and Agriculture
Division 4. Plant Industry
Chapter 2. Field Crops
Subchapter 2. Commercial Feed
Article 1. Definitions and General Provisions
Article 2. Commercial Feed Containing Drugs, Food Additives, or Harmful Substances
Article 4. Labeling and Use Requirements

Human Food By-Product Diversion

The proposed amendments to the California Code of Regulations are intended to clarify requirements and provide incentives for the diversion of human food by-products to commercial livestock feed, as well as clarifying which licensee is responsible for payment of tonnage tax.

CA Code of Regulations
Title 3. Food and Agriculture
Division 4. Plant Industry
Chapter 2. Field Crops
Subchapter 2. Commercial Feed
Article 1. Definitions
Article 11. Inspection Tax and Plant Licenses
Article 14. Definitions and Standards

Fertilizing Materials Inspection Program

Fertilizing Materials Labeling / Registration / Administrative Hearing

The proposed additions to the California Code of Regulations are intended to provide greater transparency and clarity for fertilizing materials labeling, enhances consumer protections, better explains product registration requirements, and provides additional flexibility with administrative hearings. The additions will also provide the Fertilizing Materials Inspection Program with improved mechanisms for firms that failed to resolve administrative penalties.

CA Code of Regulations
Title 3. Food and Agriculture
Division 4. Plant Industry
Chapter 1. Chemistry
Subchapter 1. Fertilizing Materials
Article 1. Standards and Labeling
Article 4. Registration
Article 6. Administrative Penalties

Labeling, Sampling and Allowances

The proposed additions to the California Code of Regulations are intended to provide greater transparency and clarity for fertilizing materials labeling, improve flexibility and efficiency for fertilizing material sampling, and add comprehensive and objective investigational allowances for fertilizer analysis.

CA Code of Regulations
Title 3. Food and Agriculture
Division 4. Plant Industry
Chapter 1. Chemistry
Subchapter 1. Fertilizing Materials
Article 1. Standards and Labeling
Article 2. Samples
Article 4. Registration
Article 6. Administrative Penalties


The proposed additions to the California Code of Regulations are intended to provide greater transparency and consistency with fertilizing materials labeling requirements.

CA Code of Regulations
Title 3. Food and Agriculture
Division 4. Plant Industry
Chapter 1. Chemistry
Subchapter 1. Fertilizing Materials
Article 1. Standards and Labeling

Mill Assessment

The proposed amendments to the California Code of Regulations are intended to provide greater transparency with fertilizer labeling and nutrient guarantees and a decrease in the mill assessment fee while adequately funding the Fertilizing Materials Inspection Program for enforcement of the state’s fertilizing materials laws and regulation.

CA Code of Regulations
Title 3. Food and Agriculture
Division 4. Plant Industry
Chapter 1. Chemistry
Subchapter 1. Fertilizing Materials
Article 1. Standards and Labeling
Article 2. Samples
Article 6. Mill Assessments

Administrative Penalties Violations Matrix

The proposed amendments to the California Code of Regulations are intended to provide clarification and uniformity for fertilizing materials labeling and administrative penalties, critical information that has been previously omitted from regulation, and improved labeling guidelines.

CA Code of Regulations
Title 3. Food and Agriculture
Division 4. Plant Industry
Chapter 1. Chemistry
Subchapter 1. Fertilizing Materials
Article 1. Standards and Labeling
Article 3. Licensing
Article 4. Registration
Article 5. Tonnage Reporting
Article 6. Administrative Penalties
Article 7. Mill Assessments

Livestock Drug Program

Livestock Drug Products

The proposed amendments to the California Code of Regulations are intended to provide clarity for all livestock drugs, not just restricted livestock drugs, and include provisions for what constitutes adulterated livestock drug products.

CA Code of Regulations
Title 3. Food And Agriculture
Division 5. Livestock Drugs
Chapter 1. Sales Of Restricted Livestock Drugs
Article 1. Definitions
Article 2. General Provisions
Article 5. Violations And Penalties

Feed, Fertilizer, Livestock Drugs