montage of livestock including a cow, chicken, pig and goat

Livestock Drug Program

1220 N Street, Sacramento, CA 95814  •  916-900-5022  •

The Livestock Drug Program regulates sales of all over-the-counter livestock drugs in California. The Program reviews and approves product registrations, issues retailer licenses, and conducts inspections to verify compliance. Fees are collected for licensing and registration to fund this program.

Licensing, Registration, and Fees

The Livestock Drug program requires registration for all livestock drug products including restricted livestock drugs being sold within, or into, the state of California. All retail locations must have a Restricted Livestock Drug License to lawfully sell restricted livestock drugs. Failure to obtain the necessary credentials to sell livestock drugs may result in the immediate quarantine of products. For more information on licensing, registration, and fees, click the heading.

General Information

Restricted Livestock Drugs

Additional resources will be posted as they become available.

For information about medically important antimicrobial drugs, please visit the Antimicrobial Use and Stewardship website.

Field Staff Territory Map