DAC Members
Members of the Disability Advisory Committee (DAC) act as representatives for their division. They share information with the committee on existing ad anticipated disability-related issues and concerns. Members may also provide technical assistance and education on disability issues with CDFA employees.
DAC members assist the California Department of Food and Agriculture in its efforts to enhance employment and promotional opportunities, as well as equal treatment and physical & programmatic access for persons with disabilities.
Committee Member Responsibilites
- Current DAC Members:
- Jessica Billingsley
- David DaSilva
- Justin Hopper
- Arima Kozina
- Madison McMahon
- Everardo Mendes
- Amanda Murray
- Athar Tariq
- Henry Vu
- Genevieve Walden
- Advisors
- Molly Macom
- John Martin
DAC Resources & More
Archived DAC Events
Members & Details
Membership Application
CDFA Jobs For All Abilities
Statewide Disability Advisory Council
Virtual Meetings
List of SDAC Meetings
Email CDFA's DAC for details
Virtual Meetings
List of SDAC Meetings
Email CDFA's DAC for details