Plant Pest Diagnostics Center
Seminar Series
Scheduled presentations are at 3:00pm on the third Thursday of every month (supplementary seminars indicated with *) at 3294 Meadowview Road, Sacramento, California
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- Jessica Gillung (UC Davis & CDFA/ Entomology) 15 September 2016
Title: “The more the better: phylogenomics provides new insights into spider fly (Acroceridae) evolution” - Dr. Rodrigo Krugner (San Joaquin Valley Agricultural Sciences Center - USDA) 20 October 2016
Title: “Glassy-winged sharpshooter communication: We heard it [directly] through the grapevine” - Dr. Jianchi Chen (USDA ARS) 17 November 2016
Title: “Genomic variations of “Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus” and Asian citrus psyllid (citrus HLB pathogen and vector) in California” - Dr. Ivonne Garzón-Orduña (CDFA Entomology) 15 December 2016
Title: TBA
Snacks and refreshments will be provided
For more information contact Dr. Kevin Williams, phone: (916) 738-6685 , email:
And special thanks to our past organizers - Dr. Shaun Winterton (2004-2007), Dr. Gillian Watson (2007-2011), Dr. Natalia von Ellenrieder (2011-2016)!!
Plant Pest Diagnostics Center
CDFA Collections
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Contact Us
Plant Pest Diagnostics Center
3294 Meadowview Road
Sacramento, CA 95832
Phone: 916-262-1100
Fax: (916) 262-1190
Map & Directions
3294 Meadowview Road
Sacramento, CA 95832
Phone: 916-262-1100
Fax: (916) 262-1190
Map & Directions