What are Ecosystem Services?
The Environmental Farming Act Science Advisory Panel and CDFA recognize the importance of environmental stewardship practices in agriculture. The science panel has defined ecosystem services as "the multiple benefits we gain from farming and ranching including crop and livestock production. In addition to valuable open space and wildlife habitat, the management decisions and conservation practices of farmers and ranchers also enhance environmental quality, provide recreational opportunities and offer social benefits."
Below are examples of important benefits provided by ecosystem services.
Are you are farmer/rancher that has on-farm/ranch ecosystem services?
Let us know: EcoSysServices@cdfa.ca.gov.
Wildlife Habitats (View Image)
- Provide habitats for resident and transient wildlife populations
Nutrient Cycling (View Image)
- Provide nutrient storage and cycling
Food, Fiber and Fuel Production (View Image)
- Provide food, fiber, and fuel to sustain a growing global population
Recreation and Cultural (View Image)
- Provide opportunities for recreational activities
Soil Structure, Formation and Fertility
- Provide opportunities for enhancing the soil system, promotes organic matter buildup/carbon sequestration, and prevent disturbances
Biodiversity Conservation
- Promote biodiversity
- Alley Cropping
- Herbaceous Weed Control
- Cover Crop
- Multi-Story Cropping
- Stream Habitat Improvement & Management
- Aquatic Organism Passage
- Range Planting
- Tree/Shrub Establishment
- Restoration and Management of Rare or Declining Habitats
- Wetland Wildlife Habitat Management
- Upland Wildlife Habitat Management
- Shallow Water Development and Management
- Early Successional Habitat Development/Management
- Wetland Restoration
- Wetland Creation
- Wetland Enhancement
- Forest Stand Improvement
Water Cycling
- Maintain soil moisture and regulate water movement/cycling
Atmospheric Gas/Climate Regulation
- Regulate atmospheric chemical composition.
Water Quality
- Reduces salinity and organic/inorganic constituents in surface and ground water.
Pest Control
- Control pests and weeds by natural enemies and weed seed predators, respectively
Pollination Services (View Image)
- Contribute to fruit, nut, and vegetable production
- Integrated Pest Management
- Alley Cropping