OCal Certifying Agent Information
1220 N Street, Sacramento, CA 95814 • OCalCannabis@cdfa.ca.gov

The California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA) OCal Program is currently accepting applications for registration and accreditation of certifying agents. The OCal Program will accept applications for registration from certifying agents that currently hold accreditation with the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) National Organic Program (NOP) and applications for accreditation from public and private entities not accredited by the NOP.
Certifying Agent Registration
All entities that certify for the OCal Program must be registered by CDFA. Entities that have already been accredited through the NOP, according to Title 7 of the Code of Federal Regulations, sections 205.500 through 205.510, are eligible to register. Registration must be renewed by January 2 of each year.
- Registration Application
- Registration Affirmation
- Registration Renewal
- Fee Schedule – registration fees only
Certifying Agent Accreditation
Entities that are not accredited by the NOP may submit an application for accreditation with the OCal Program. Accreditation is renewed every five years. Registration will be issued concurrently with accreditation; entities accredited by OCal do not need to submit a separate registration application. Registration must be renewed by January 2 of each year.
- Accreditation Application
- Accreditation Affirmation
- Fee Schedule – accreditation fees only
- Accreditation Process
Application Submission
Note: There is no payment due at time of application for accreditation or registration.
Download, complete, and sign the fillable forms for registration or accreditation (above) and submit the application, affirmation, and other required documents by email or hard copy.
Submission by email:
- Submit the application, affirmation, and other required documents as attachments to one email.
- Subject line: name of the applicant and “Registration” or “Accreditation.” For example, “EntityName Registration.”
- Attachment names: name of the applicant and either “Application” or checklist number (each application contains a checklist). For example, the application should be named “EntityName Application” and the fee schedule should be named “EntityName A2.”
- Send email to OCalCannabis@cdfa.ca.gov.
Submission of hard copy:
- Mail to: OCal Accreditation, P.O. Box 942872, Sacramento, CA 94271-2872.
If you mail a hard copy but would like for us to communicate with you by email, please send an email to OCalCannabis@cdfa.ca.gov.
- Subject line: name of the applicant and “Registration” or “Accreditation.” For example, “EntityName Registration.”
- Text of the email: indicate that you have mailed an application via the US Postal service but would like to communicate with OCal via email.
Submission by email:
Look out for a notification of application completeness. If the application is accepted for further review, the notification will include fee payment information.
- If a registration application is incomplete, the applicant will receive notification with the reasons for incompleteness. The application will not be kept on file so the applicant must resubmit the entire application package, not just the missing information.
- If an accreditation application is incomplete, the applicant will receive notification with the reasons for incompleteness and the date by which the missing information is due (within 30 calendar days after the notification).
OCal Seal
The OCal seal may be used only for cannabis products that contain 100 percent OCal certified cannabis. The OCal seal must replicate the form and design as shown below and must be printed legibly and conspicuously:
On a white background and with the term “OCal” (“O” in green with white cannabis flower inside “O” and “Cal” in orange overlapping the “O”) or
- Green - C:69 M:13 Y:100 K:1
- Orange - C:0 M:75 Y:98 K:0
- On a white or transparent background with the term “OCal” (“O” in dark gray with white cannabis flower inside “O” and “Cal” in black overlapping the “O”).
A cannabis product mislabeled as OCal or Organic may lead to violations and/or fines up to $17,952.00.
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