California Type Evaluation Program (CTEP) Certificates of Approval (COA) Database Search

The fields below provide various options to search for CTEP Certificates of Approval.


  • Not all CTEP COAs are available using this search tool. Persons wishing to obtain a copy of a CTEP COA that does not appear on our website must contact the device manufacturer for this information.
  • Manufacturers who have not paid the CTEP Administrative Fees will not find their COAs using this database. Contact DMS for assistance.
  • Electronic versions of approved COAs from 1989 - current can be found using this database. Contact this office for any COAs that were approved prior to 1989.

The fields below provide various options to search for CTEP COAs.


  • To ensure the most current certificate is found, ONLY ENTER THE FIRST FOUR DIGITS of the COA number (e.g., 1234-19). Do not enter letters or any other special characters.
  • Enter data into at least one field to begin search.
  • To ensure the broadest search enter the fewest criteria.
  • To ensure more search results, you may enter partial names or model numbers.

CTEP Certificates of Approval Database Search