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Feed Laws, Regulations & Fees

Commercial Feed Regulatory Program

Feed Laws and Regulations

Commercial Feed Program Fees

Commercial Feed Licensing and Tonnage Tax Fact Sheet

Licensing Fees

Each person shall obtain a license from the secretary for each location where commercial feed is manufactured, distributed, sold, or stored for later sale. Commercial Feed Licensing is for one year, beginning July 1st and expiring June 30th of the following year. The current annual licensing fee is $500.

Tonnage Fees

Any person who distributes commercial feed to a consumer-buyer in California shall pay an inspection tonnage tax on commercial feed sold except for whole hays when unmixed and whole grains. The inspection tonnage tax is currently ten cents ($0.10) per ton. Inspection tonnage tax is due on a quarterly basis.


Sign up on our online database to manage your commercial feed licenses and tonnage reporting. Through the database, you can apply for new and manage current commercial feed licenses, update contact information and change of address, enter tonnage reporting data, and pay fees.

New to the database? Click: “Enroll New User” on the top of the sign-in screen.

Need a paper application? Use these forms:

FFLDRS Database Video Instructions: