California Agricultural Production Statistics

California's Top 10 Agricultural Commodities

California’s agricultural abundance includes more than 400 commodities. Over a third of the country’s vegetables and nearly three-quarters of the country’s fruits and nuts are grown in California. California’s top 10 valued commodities for the 2022 crop year are:1

  • Dairy Products, Milk — $10.40 billion
  • Grapes — $5.54 billion
  • Cattle and Calves — $3.63 billion
  • Almonds — $3.52 billion
  • Lettuce — $3.15 billion
  • Strawberries — $2.68 billion
  • Pistachios — $1.86 billion
  • Broilers — $1.59 billion
  • Tomatoes — $1.46 billion
  • Carrots — $1.11 billion

In 2022, the market value of agricultural products sold in California totaled $59.0 billion, up $13.8 billion from 2017.2

California agricultural exports totaled $22.5 billion in 2021, an increase of 7.0 percent from 2020. Top commodities for export included almonds, dairy and dairy products, pistachios, wine and walnuts. California’s agricultural export statistics are produced by the University of California, Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics.

California organic product sales totaled $14.0 billion in 2021, an increase of 16.4 percent from the prior year. Organic production encompasses over 2.13 million acres in the state. California is the only state in the U.S. with a NOP authorized state organic program.

1 Based on USDA ERS numbers published as of August 31, 2023.
2 Based on USDA 2022 Census of Agriculture published as of February 13, 2024.

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