Spotted Lanternfly Quarantine Activities
*OAL: Filed With Office of Administrative Law
Section 3287, Spotted Lanternfly Exterior Quarantine – OAL: 9/18/2020
This regulation will create an exterior quarantine for the spotted lanternfly. The effect of this regulation will be to provide authority for the State to prevent spread of the spotted lanternfly to non-infested areas to protect California's agricultural industry.
CCR - § 3287. Spotted Lanternfly Exterior Quarantine, 3 CA ADC § 3287
Date submitted to OAL: 9/18/2020
Office of Administrative Law’s Decision: Approved
Date filed with Secretary of State: 6/28/2021
Effective Date: 6/28/2021
Office of Administrative Law’s Decision: Approved
Date filed with Secretary of State: 6/28/2021
Effective Date: 6/28/2021
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