Statewide Plant Pest Prevention And Management Program Environmental Impact Report (PEIR)

Risk Assessment Dashboard Database
What is the Dashboard Database?
The Dashboard Database is an electronic database that was developed to provide easy access to the Risk Assessment's supporting data. While the Risk Assessment presented in the EIR provides tabulated summary results, additional information such as specific details of each chemical application scenario, pesticide product formulations, physical and toxicological properties of the chemicals active ingredient fate characteristics and environmental effects, etc., can be found in the Dashboard.
The reader is cautioned against using the Dashboard Database without also referring to the Risk Assessment and the analysis in the main body of the PEIR. By using both the Risk Assessment and the Dashboard together, the analysis of human and ecological health impacts can be considered taking into account uncertainty analysis, model limitations, conservative assumptions, and qualitative discussion of elements not otherwise incorporated in the quantitative analysis. The Risk Assessment and PEIR provide the interpretation of the risk estimates and provides conclusions regarding the potential for risk to humans and ecological receptors, but the details on which those conclusions are based exist in the Dashboard Database.
TIP: How To Extract A Zip File
- Locate saved compressed folder.
- Do one of the following:
- To extract a single file or folder, double-click the compressed folder to open it. Then, drag the file or folder from the compressed folder to a new location.
- To extract all files or folders, right-click the compressed folder, and then click Extract All. In the Compressed (zipped) Folders Extraction Wizard, specify where you want to store the extracted files.