Dairy Forms
Milk Pooling Monthly Handler Reports – Instructions for Completion
Download “Instructions for Completion”
Revised Handler Receipts and Usage Form (“800 Report”)
Official form required for handlers operating within the pool in California, detailing milk receipts and usage by month.
Download Receipts and Usage form in Excel fileProducer Shipment Forms for Milk Cooperatives
Official forms required for cooperatives that submit milk shipment data to the Milk Pooling Branch on a monthly basis.
Producer Shipment Forms for Proprietary Milk Handlers
Official forms required for proprietary processing plants that submit milk shipment data to the Milk Pooling Branch on a monthly basis.
Quota Transfer Application
Official form required for requesting a transfer of quota.
Download Quota Transfer Application
Non-Pool Forms
Official forms required for handlers operating outside of the pool in California detailing milk receipts and usage by month.
Licensing Applications and Permits
Official forms required to obtain a milk processing license or distributor license for businesses operating in California.
Monthly Statistical Report
Official form required by California processing plants producing dairy products in California - submitted to the Dairy Marketing Branch on a monthly basis.