Exhibit and Livestock

Fairs and Expositions, a Branch within the Division of Marketing Services, is responsible for the development and enforcement of the State Rules for California fairs. The purpose of the these rules are to ensure educational and equitable competition; provide state-wide competition consistency; and maximize exhibitor and public safety. Annually, the secretary of the Department will issue a Welcome to the Fair Season Letter. Please see the annual "Exhibitor Handbook" letter below.

Secretary's Welcome to the 2024 Fair Season Exhibitor Handbook Letter

Governor Newsom 2024 Fair Season Exhibitor Handbook Letter

State Rules For California Fairs

The California State Rules are comprised annually, following a meeting of the State Rules Committee (Committee). The State Rules are considered the minimum qualifications that each fairground within the network of California Fairs must abide by and establish via Local Rules. Annually, the individual fair boards review and approval the exhibitor handbook with is the set of local rules, governing exhibits and livestock. The Local Rules can be stricter than the State Rules, but cannot be less.

If you have concerns about policies in the Exhibitor Handbook, please contact the individual Fair in question; these are the fair's local rules and not necessarily a State Rule established by the Committee.

2025 State Rules for California Fairs

Addendum I Summary of Changes for 2025

Addendum II Exhibit Program Guidelines for Fair Management and Exhibit Staff

Addendum III Official Youth Agreement

This handbook contains the rules that apply to all competitive exhibits conducted by district, citrus and county fairs that receive financial support from the State of California.

For State Rules Interpretations and Protests, please contact:

Youth for the Quality Care of Animals (YQCA)

The Fairs & Exposition Branch (F&E) in conjunction with all County, Citrus and District Fairs of California are committed to Quality Assurance and Ethics Awareness training programs. These programs demonstrate that California Fairs are committed to the educational development of their junior exhibitors, parents, and leaders.

As of January 1, 2019, F&E requires all California Fairs (County, Citrus & District Agricultural Associations) junior livestock (large and small animal) exhibitors to annually participate in an F&E approved Quality Assurance and Ethics Awareness training. Currently, the Youth for the Quality Care of Animals (YQCA) online program has been approved by F&E to fulfill this requirement. For more information on the YQCA online program, please visit https://yqcaprogram.org/. This link works best in Google Chrome.

Poultry Health Inspection Program

The Poultry Health Inspection (PHI) Program is designed to keep birds healthy at poultry shows at California's Fairs and Expositions. Poultry Health Inspectors (PHIs) are trained and certified by the University of California (UC) and CDFA. The activities of the PHIs prevent disease spread, educate fanciers about health maintenance, and promote the poultry fancy by ensuring that F&E visitors see healthy birds in good condition.

For more information on PHI, or for a list of PHIs, please visit this site.


Handwashing Signs

Handwashing Signs

Livestock Disease and Health Information

The Animal Health Branch, within the Department of Food and Agriculture, has updates and is in control of issuing notices, quarantines, etc for livestock across California.

For more information, visit the Animal Health and Food Safety Services Division.

Equine Medication Monitoring Program

For more information on hosting horse shows, exhibiting at fairgrounds, and prohibited substances and how to report violations, please visit the EMMP page.

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