Grape Pricing District Change
On August 27, 2019, the Department received a petition from the Suisun Valley Vintners and Growers Association (Association). In response, the Department conducted an informal hearing in December to secure feedback from the industry. On May 14, 2020, the Department decided to initiate a regulatory process to formally consider the petition.
Background and Next Steps
The Association’s petition requested a regulatory change to the Grape Pricing Districts associated and utilized in preparation of the Grape Crush Report. Specifically, a change to the boundary definition of Grape Price District 5 which also impacts the boundary definition of Grape Price District 17, which will include the Ryer Island region.
The change in Grape Price District boundaries is requested to remedy bifurcated and regionally disparate District 5 market data and to remedy negative economic impacts in District 5.
After evaluating the merits of the verbal and written testimony received at the workshop, the Department decided to initiate the regulatory process to consider modifying the boundary between Grape Pricing Districts 5 and 17. The Department anticipates initiating the process in Fall 2020. A formal hearing will be conducted to ensure public input is gathered.
Proposed Grape Pricing District Change Documents
- Petition
- Workshop Notice
- Workshop Agenda
- Workshop Power Point presentation
- Notice of Intent to Initiate a Regulatory Process
- Notice of Proposed Rulemaking - Grape Crush District Change - Published 6/9/2023
- Rescheduled Hearing - Notice And Extention Of Comment Period
- Important – Hearing Location Change
- Notice of Additional Regulatory Hearing and Extension of Comment Period
- Initial Statement of Reasons
- Express Terms - Proposed Regulation - CCR Section 1700
- January 18, 2024 Hearing Transcript
- February 28, 2024 Hearing Transcript
- Notice of Intent to the Abandon Regulatory Process
Please contact Kacie Fritz, Special Assistant, Marketing Services Division at (916) 900-5011.
- or -
Marketing Services Division
Attn: Grape Pricing District Change
1220 N Street
Sacramento, CA 95814