Dairy Digester Research & Development Program

Dairy Digester Research & Development Program

CDFA’s Dairy Digester Research and Development Program (DDRDP) provides financial assistance for the installation of dairy digesters in California, which will result in reduced greenhouse gas emissions.

Program Timeline for DDRDP*

Item Estimated Time Frame*
Application Period Open July 23, 2024
Application Period Closed October 18, 2024
Review Process October 2024 - February 2025
Award Announcement March 2025
Grant Term for 2024 Projects Begins June 2025

(*Subject to change)

Dairy Digester Video



CDFA’s Dairy Digester Research and Development Program (DDRDP) provides financial assistance for the installation of dairy digesters in California, which will result in reduced greenhouse gas emissions.

Dairy digesters are a renewable technology that uses livestock manure to produce methane, which is a renewable source of electrical energy generation and transportation fuel. The technology has many environmental and social benefits. More information on dairy digesters can be found on the CalEPA Dairy Digesters webpage and the USEPA AgSTARAnaerobic Digestion webpage.

CDFA receives funding from California Climate Investments for methane emissions reductions from dairy and livestock operations.

If you have questions about CDFA’s dairy digester research and development and dairy methane reduction programs, please email cdfa.oefi_ddrdp_tech@cdfa.ca.gov.

To receive e-mail news updates on the Dairy Digester Research and Development Program: subscribe here.

Program Status


Program is currently accepting applications.

Recipient Resources